
Sukhi Chele chord lyrics, Sukhi Chele chord hindi lyrics

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Free Sukhi Chele chord mp3 song

We presents for now Sukhi Chele chord mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Sukhi Chele chord
Artist : LRB
Sukhi Chele chord Song Lyrics

Song lyrics title : Sukhi Chele (chord)
Singer : LRB


Am---------------------C---- F--------------E
Ghor Chara Ek Shukhi Chele An-Mone Aj Ekhane
Chole Jabe Dhure Kothoa Thikana Gulo Chire Fele

Verse – 1
Icche Chilo E Chotto Mone Sobar Chawa Buke Niye
Dukkho Gulo Sukh Baniye Sobar Majhe Choriye Debe
Chuye Jabe Sudur Akash Ekdin Se Jibone
(Play Chorus)

Verse – 2
Cheleti Aaj Boro Hoye Obak Chokhe Takiye Dekhe
Joto Shukh Dhu Hate Joriye Aka Holo Se Ei Jibone
Chawa Gulo Pawa Hoye Sobai Geche Hariye
(Play Chorus)

  Posted By..... Triparna

Sukhi Chele chord Video Song
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