
Mere Humnashin lyrics, Mere Humnashin hindi lyrics

Bhool Na Jaana 1960

Free Mere Humnashin mp3 song

We presents for now Mere Humnashin mp3 song More details about this is provided below in form of lyrics. If in case the you ar enot able to play the song then you can also able to play the video song.

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Mere Humnashin
Artist : Geeta Dutt
Mere Humnashin Song Lyrics

Song Lyrics Title : Mere hamnashi, mere hamnawa
Song Lyrics Movie : Bhool Na Jaana (1960)
Singer: Geeta Dutt

mp3 songs

mere hamnashi, mere hamnawa, mere pas aa mujhe tham le, mujhe tham le
mere hamnashi, mere hamnawa

too chala hai mujhse bichhad ke yu, jyun shikashta saz se raganee
jyun chali hai jism se dur jan, jyun chali ho aankh se roshanee
mujhe de de banho kaa aasara

mere pas aa mujhe tham le, mujhe tham le
mere hamnashi, mere hamnawa

yeh teraa milan yeh teraa karam, hai mujhe hayat se kam nahee
too hai samane toh mere sanam, mujhe maut kaa bhee alam nahee
ai bahare dil ai sukune jan

mere pas aa mujhe tham le, mujhe tham le
mere hamnashi, mere hamnawa - (3) .

Mere Humnashin Video Song
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